Sunday, May 24, 2009

Let your light shine

Mandela used the following words by Marianne Williamson to inspire a whole nation.Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous –
Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people
won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some of us: it is in everyone,
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
Give other people permission to do the same.
I think these words are very powerful and I was inspired by them many times. I think specially women need to listen to these words very carefully and allow their lights to shine. Remember you are ‘brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous’!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Many men wonder about the friendship between women. Either they face a kind of ‘competition’ with the best friend of their girlfriend/wife or the closeness between women has made them feel uncomfortable.

I was recently asked if I am lesbian because I was hanging out with one of my friends quite a lot. Or due to the announcement of ‘not minding’ to sleep in one bed with a female friend I got a couple of strange looks from men.

So what is it? I think men just need to accept that the friendship between men and the friendship between women is very different. I know that you can’t generalize these things, but there might be some truth to this.

Firstly, I think, women have fewer issues with touching, hugging and holding each other, sleeping next to each other, being naked in front of each other.

Secondly, women have a need to communicate and express themselves. They need/want to talk. Women talk a lot. That’s why they need other women because men just don’t have the patience to listen neither do they listen in the same way as women listen to each other.

Thirdly, women normally have a different way of thinking. Emotions are intertwined with rational thoughts which is often confusing for men.

I also think women understand non-verbal communication better and can exchange their observations.

I'm not sure, maybe I'm missing something. I don't understand why it is such a big thing to men. Any thoughts, ladies?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Poem: La hora chunga

La hora cuando todas las parejas han vuelto a casa

Es la hora cuando tienes que volver a la soledad

Es la hora cuando no sabes a quien llamar

La hora que grita – solo, sola, solo, sola

La hora después de las sonrisas

La hora después de la fiesta

La hora de las lágrimas

La hora de la verdad

La hora drama

La hora negra

Hora soltera

Es la hora

Es hora


(Dedicado a un querido amigo – Mayo 2009)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Love poem for Cape Town

Cape Town – you still smiling and looking majestic from top of the mountain. I’m sad and bitter, I’m crying out – I’m the little dot lost in the busy city bowl. You don’t care, life goes on, the sun rises and in the shades of your beautiful sunset I can cry my tears. In the longing to the far away, I can look over the ocean and try to find what I have lost. Your freezing water, will make no difference to my numb heart. Your townships full of misery will not touch my miserable soul. Your glimmer and glamour will not impress my saddened face. Your masses of people and dense crowd will not take the feeling of being lonely away. Your attempt to unite the diverse and bring together what has been divided long ago, seems like the quest for neverland. For me today, my own pain seems bigger than any other scar. Your Jazz, your music, your shows will remind me that only in fiction and fairytale life is enjoyable.Cape Town you city full of contrasts!!
(February 2009)

Just be, just want to be for a while
Be, not do, not create, not make
Be, not argue, not discuss, not plan
Be, yourself, myself
Be who I am.
Be who you are.
Be with me
Be me
Be with you
Be you
Be us
(February 2009)

After the party
The party is over, the laughter is gone, the bottles are empty
Everyone went home.
I’m sitting here alone. Staring at the leftovers, the party hats…
We had fun, we danced on the tables, popped champagne bottles,
we were high, we laughed
Over, alone
The bad smell of alcohol and cigarettes is in the air.
Left behind,
after all,
it’s me alone
A bad taste in the mouth is all that stays.
(March 2009)

What is love?
Love is the light within us. Love is the empathy and care we have for others. Love is the tear of loss. Love is letting go with pain in the heart. Love is a hug. Love is to listen. Love is to let others be. Love is what makes us smile. Love is what breaks us. Love is the warmth we feel for the innocence of a child. Love is music and art. Love is what nurtures and what kills us. Love is nurturing and sowing. Love is being overwhelmed by nature. Love is God.
(March 2009)

I’m standing at the house of my relationship.
I’m looking through the window.
I see this couple loving, living and fighting.
I see the tears and the frustrations
They holding hands, hugs and kisses
Lots of love but little laughter
Smashing of doors, shouting and anger
Romantic moments, lit candles and darkness
Very little laughter, serious talks,
caring for the other but not being heard

I turn around, the sun brightens my face
I walk away.
(April 2009)